Over The Wire: Natas Solutions Levels 0-10

The following is my write up to solving the challenges 0-10 in Natas Wargame presented by overthewire.org

Level 1

Logining with natas0, natas0 like directions say.  A pop up box tells me the password is somewhere on that page.  Inspecting the source, I can see the password.


Level 2

Viewing the source code I find a link to another file.  Navigating to the /file directory I get the password to level 3.


Level 3

Upon logging into level 3 and viewing the source code I find a clue: “…not even Google will find it this time.”

A robots.txt file lists the files on the website that are not to be crawled by Google.  Browsing to robots.txt, I see that a directory called ‘s3cr3t’ is referenced. Upon navigating to that directory, I see a ‘password’ file. Clicking it gives me the password to the next level.


Level 4

After logging in I’m presented with the following:

For this I installed the Firefox addon ‘Tamper Data’ which allows me to capture and edit my http request before it is sent to the server.  I change the ‘referrer header’ field to http://natas5.natas.labs.overthewire.org and refresh the page.

Access granted. The password for natas5 is iX6IOfmpN7AYOQGPwtn3fXpbaJVJcHfq

Level 5

After logging in to level 5, I’m presented with the following:

Looking at the source code doesn’t provide any further clues.  For this challenge I installed a chrome extension that allowed me to edit the cookie and change the ‘logged in’ variable from 0 to 1.  After reloading the page, voila, I’m presented with the password to the next level.

Access granted. The password for natas6 is aGoY4q2Dc6MgDq4oL4YtoKtyAg9PeHa1

 Level 6

After logging in to level 6, I am presented with the following:
Checking out the source code I see the following:
I click the link ‘index-source.html’, and see a file named ‘secret.inc’ has been included:
Navigating to http://natas6.natas.labs.overthewire.org/includes/secret.inc, I am provided the password to the next level.


Level 7

After logging in to level 7, I am presented with the following 2 links:
When clicking ‘home’ I notice the url changes to natas7.natas.labs.overthe…./index.php?page=home
Now, checking out the source code I am given the following clue:
I appended ‘/etc/natas_webpass/natas8’ to the end of the url following the ‘page=’ parameter and see I was able transverse the directory and obtain the password to the next level.

Level 8

Logging into level 8, I’m presented with the following:


Checking out the sourcecode I’m given a clue:


I’m given the secret in encoded form, the methods used to encode it, and the order in which the methods were applied.  To solve this level, I run php in interactive mode (-a) to decode the secret using the following commands:


I submit the secret ‘oubWYf2kBq’ and receive the password for the next level.


Level 9

Upon logging in to level 9, I am presented with the following:


Checking out the source code I see another php script is being used:


I see that the script is greping the dictionary file. I can chain commands together by using the shell command separator ;. Thinking back to Natas 7, I learned that the passwords are stored in /etc/natas_webpass/respectiveLevel and construct a chained command using this knowledge:

grep-i ; cat/etc/natas_webpass/natas10# dictionary.txt


I used an additional argument in our command chain (#) to comment anything after that operator. Thus, restricting my search to only /etc/natas_webpass/natas10. From there I am given my password to the next level:


Level 10